[dropcap]After[/dropcap] a successful Kickstarter campaign last year, Andi Harriman, and Marloes Bontje have finally released their “Postpunk Project”, the 216 page coffee table book “Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace”, named after the lyric from the Batcave anthem ‘Sexbeat’. Yes, a coffee table book—if the table is at your local post Goth club Dennys, or perhaps Yaffa Cafe in NYC, or an Absinthe brunch during Wave Gotik Treffen. This book, is part documentary but perhaps more so, an oral history discussed over clove cigarettes as the twilight fades into dawn during a night dancing at Gothic Pogo Festival, or When We Were Young. The flyers, images, and interviews are a loving communion celebrating the music and culture of an international movement than began in the late 70’s with Punk and Post-Punk, and continues to this day. The fact that all of this occurred almost simultaneously brings new meaning to the term “spooky action at a distance”.
The Worldwide Compendium of Postpunk and Goth in the 1980s
This is a book that will make young hipsters want to shave their beards, and old Goths want to dust off their teasing combs. Hey…do you remember that Vice article recently about the Goth scene in Rome? Now imagine an entire book like that…wait, don’t imagine, just order a copy already!
(Order here for UK Residents)