[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e at Post-Punk.com have launched our first batch of video content and the video above is an experiment in delivering monthly video news recaps. This is a bit of a work in progress—so the result is a bit rough around the edges, but as we progress we hope to improve the quality and start to roll these out weekly—and perhaps, in the future, daily.
We welcome feedback, so let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
WE NEED YOUR HELP. Post-Punk.com is in danger of shutting down.
We have also launched a Patreon campaign in support of the the site, and the new video content (such as our interview with The Soft Moon), and of the site’s original articles and interviews.
Our content is ultimately free, but you can help us keep running, and actively participate in making the site better. Each dollar you contribute is worth a 1000 visitors to the website or viewers of our video content.
Interviews take days, even months to research and complete. The creation of video productions and other articles take many hands, from sound, filming, hosting, editing and/copyediting, animation, photography, and more. All these things cost money, which often limits what you are exposed to through music journalism to the lowest common denominator. We hope to change that. But we need your help!
We can’t do this without you…or the music. And ultimately our goal is that together–we can build a thriving underground music culture from the ground up.
Your Humble Narrator