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Oakland’s Parallel Shares the Video for Their Icy Cold Wave Single “Painkiller’

Show me every injury
Make me believe it
I will whet the edges of misery
‘til change is all that I can see

Emerging from the dynamic indie and DIY punk scene of Oakland, California, Parallel is a band unabashed in showcasing their creative flair. Their forthcoming album, Flooded, reveals the band honing their dreamy sound, seamlessly fusing the introspective essence of post-punk with the ethereal allure of shoegaze. Their music radiates a fragile, wistful beauty, reminiscent of revered acts from the 80s and 90s like The Chameleons and Slowdive, all while channeling the minimalist sensibilities of Low and Wire.

Their new single, Painkiller, delves into the intricate dance of queer intimacy, exploring the delicate balance between vulnerability and empowerment. The singers’ voices ebb and flow, expressing the longing, ecstasy, and pain that accompany deep connections. The song transforms fears of loss, change, and death into moments of connection, pleasure, and intimacy. It’s all about turning life’s inevitable chaos into something beautifully human.

Directed by the visionary duo Sepi Mashiahof and Ricky Marler, the video offers an abstract glimpse into the sensual world of underground nightlife. Picture a realm where shadows dance with neon lights, and the air is thick with both intrigue and the occasional whiff of mischief. It’s a tantalizing melange of danger, allure, and the kind of sexy strangeness that makes you wonder if you’ve stumbled into a dream—or perhaps, a particularly adventurous part of your own imagination.

Watch the video for “Painkiller” below:

Formed in the fall of 2019, Parallel began their journey in the intimate confines of their drummer Maria’s basement during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the months of lockdown, they crafted their first batch of songs, laying the foundation for a sound they’ve meticulously refined over the past five years. With roots deep in the DIY scene of Oakland and beyond, the members of Parallel have a rich history of creating music and touring with a number of genre-spanning projects, including Ragana, Nothing Natural, Negative Standards, and Romantic Feelings.

In the summer of 2021, Parallel recorded with acclaimed producer Jack Shirley at Atomic Garden Studios, resulting in a self-titled cassette released on Cherub Dream Records. Making their live debut nearly two years after forming, Parallel quickly became a staple in the Bay Area music scene. They opened at the 2023 SF Noise Pop festival. They also toured the West Coast and plan an East Coast and Midwest tour in early 2025.

Parallel’s upcoming mini-album, Flooded, will be released on July 10, 2024 via Play Alone Records.

Listen to Painkiller below, and preorder Flooded here.

Follow Parallel:

Alice Teeple

Alice Teeple is a photographer, multidisciplinary artist, and writer. She is not in Tin Machine.

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