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Los Angeles Industrial Rock Trio Fact Pattern Paint a Grim Picture in Their Video for “With No Disguise”

After the fall my mind collects it all

Passage of time, the rhyme of their lies

So we turn to our blades

And decide which ones to raze

Los Angeles industrial trio Fact Pattern has unleashed a new, blistering track and video. With No Disguise, the third offering from the upcoming LP The Same Outcome (Re:Mission Entertainment), envisions a dark future dominated by revenge.

The song paints a grim picture of a post-apocalyptic Earth where people turn to violence, choosing who deserves elimination. In this world, life is taken without pretense, and it’s filled with wandering and theft. The track serves as a caution against trusting falsehoods, portraying everything as toxic and harmful. With No Disguise is an unflinching tale of settling scores with authoritarian figures who have stripped everything away, delivering a powerful message of retribution.

Influenced by NIN, Skinny Puppy, and Type O Negative, the trio—Flux (vocals, guitars, keys, programming), Jack Lowd (bass, vocals), and Corey Hirsch (drums)—combines heavy guitars, rhythmic drumming, and bass with intense, metallic samples that create a hauntingly mechanical vibe.

The DIY video paints a rather chilling picture, following a woman navigating the labyrinth of a dark city at night, taking no prisoners. She’s not messing around—because in this dog-eat-dog world, playfulness equates to peril. This intense scenario channels the raw power and emotion that define Fact Pattern’s sound, all served up with a hearty helping of unfiltered authenticity. It’s a vivid reminder of the primal instincts at play in their music, delivered with a wink and a nod to the gritty reality of urban survival.

Watch the video for With No Disguise below:

Fact Pattern was born in the early 2010s from the creative mind of Ian Flux, has gone through several transformations. Their 2017 EP Structures marked the beginning, but it was their 2019 full-length debut Fallen Language that truly defined their sound and lineup.

Listen to and order With No Disguise via Bandcamp here:

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Alice Teeple

Alice Teeple is a photographer, multidisciplinary artist, and writer. She is not in Tin Machine.

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