The thirty year friendship of Guillaume and Andrew began in the French city of Grenoble (from which the The Hacker and Kittin hail). As rave buddies, the duo spent copious amounts of time wandering around concrete, industrial ruins. It only took about two decades for Guillaume and Andrew to write a song together but the result was the start of the H.L.M. LP, Ruines, Béton & Industrie, out February 21st.
H.L.M.’s first single, “M,” is a testament to their friendship. With industrialized sirens calling the song into action, “M” takes on a minimal synth-esque collage with French-sung vocals that intertwine with the tenderness of its music. The slightly out of tune synths are embraced here—it is the quirky beauty of analog instrumentation that captures the inner grace of “M.” Somewhere between the simplistic charm of De Ambassade and the vigor of T.C. Matic live H.L.M.
Listen below:
Buy Ruines, Béton & Industrie here.
Follow H.L.M. on IG.