Cosey Fanni Tutti: provocateur, pioneer, provocatively peerless…returns with 2t2, a nine-track thrill-ride of raw rhythm and electric elegy. Slated for release on her own Conspiracy International this June, the record sizzles with synths and surges with spirit, flicking V-signs at genre limitations while dancing defiantly on the edges of expression.
Having long operated in the outer zones, from the brute brilliance of Throbbing Gristle to the sensual circuitry of Chris & Cosey, her creations have never cowered. Here, she delivers her own compositions, performances, and production with the same steadfast singularity that once made striptease a political act and pornography a platform for empowerment.
2t2 roams from body-moving beat rituals to bliss-stretched electronic meditations, a dualistic dialectic echoing her earlier TUTTI yet pulsing with fresh emotional frequency. It’s a bold reckoning with personal loss and public disarray, refracted through stubborn hope and sinewy resilience.
Two sides, two temperaments: one fierce and forward-charging, the other fluid and contemplative; both bonded by a bruised optimism. Cosey doesn’t bow to the winds of fashion; she bends circuits to her will and burns bright doing it.
“My overtone chanting on the track Stound was part of that, tapping into the inner self, to the core of your being, emotionally, physically, allowing the sounds to permeate and soothe as well as create a sense of power, resistance and resilience to what we face,” she says. “Even in the more melancholic moments, there’s a lightness that she explains is an “acknowledgement that it’s alright to be sad, that’s part of life, but there is so much joy too in our memories of people we lose and in the moments we share with each other. Joy is our resistance.”
Listen to “Stound” below:
Threads from Cosey’s recent projects are tightly knotted into the fabric of 2t2. Her latest book RE-SISTERS and the score she composed for Caroline Catz’s film Delia Derbyshire: The Myths and Legendary Tapes both leave a trace, most notably on Threnody, a piece dedicated to Delia Derbyshire and Andy Christian. The track draws its name from an abstract drawing Christian sent to Cosey, created during an improvised session in which he sketched while Derbyshire intoned and sang, her voice responding to the images as if the lines themselves were a living score; each mark pulling forth a feeling, a phrase, a moment suspended in time.
The artwork for the album reflects this idea that the album is a “sound cameo,” reflecting the light within the music, and the buzz of life that exists within all of Cosey’s work.
Cosey’s process and the different strands that make up her work form a totality of vision: “Once you get creating and listening, weaving, collaging sound it’s a wonderfully fulfilling feeling that takes you both out of yourself at the same time as essentially deep within,” she says.
Pre-order 2t2 here.
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