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Black Rose Moves Makes a Dark Debut in the Video for Their Bleak Gothic Rock Single “Summer of Sorrow”

Here I am in the summer of sorrow

I thought we’d last, forever we’d stay

Ah, loss and longing, those old familiar adversaries who visit us when we least expect them. In the grand theatre of life, love sometimes plays the trickster, turning from a steadfast companion into a fickle stranger. Our story here descends into the bleak gothic rock of Summer of Sorrow from British newcomers Black Rose Moves, a season marked by the bittersweet taste of heartbreak. It’s like planning a grand picnic only to have it rain—relentlessly.

Grant Leon and Mark Neat of Black Rose Moves aren’t exactly the types to bring you sunshine and singalongs. Instead, they concoct a delightful mix of darkwave and post-punk, just the thing for those late-night dance sessions tinged with a touch of melancholy. Their sound, like savouring a bittersweet chocolate, borrows a page or two from the early works of The Cult, Sisters of Mercy, and the darker offerings of 60s garage, sprinkled with the introspective punch of Interpol, with driving basslines, assertive guitars, dramatic synths, and Grant Leon’s haunting vocals.

Summer of Sorrow serves as a fevered prayer for relief; a heartfelt plea to the universe as one’s partner, in the darkest hours, confesses a lack of love. Emotions twist and turn like a rollercoaster gone rogue, leaving behind the tattered remains of what was once a passionate relationship. It’s a bit like finding your favorite old sweater, only to discover it’s now full of moth holes and memories.

But here’s the twist: in acknowledging the remnants, the tattered pieces of our past, we find a certain freedom. Heartbreak, while profoundly painful, is a peculiar waltz with our own vulnerability and strength. It’s in these shadowy corners that we often discover the most about ourselves—our capacity to feel deeply, to love fiercely, and yes, even to let go gracefully.

Watch the video for “Summer of Sorrow” below:

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Alice Teeple

Alice Teeple is a photographer, multidisciplinary artist, and writer. She is not in Tin Machine.

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