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Baltimore Dreamgazers Talking to Shadows Debut Video for Soaring New Single “Valentina”

Sweet cathedral
If you’re the chapel I’m the steeple

Baltimore dreamgazers Talking To Shadows are back with their second single of 2024: Valentina. This track, blending the iconic ’90s guitar vibes of Siamese Dream with vocals reminiscent of Tamaryn or the Cocteau Twins, stands as their most poignant and approachable piece yet. With Cat Van Glide lending her hauntingly ethereal vocals, Greg Palmer’s guitar work evoking memories of a bygone era, Ron Weldon’s steady bass, and Alex Hughes keeping it all in rhythm on drums, the band delivers something special.

Valentina sorts through the emotional aftermath of two painful relationships, leading to feelings of desperation and recklessness. The song navigates betrayal and emotional struggle, with repeated references to the Eye of Horus symbolizing daily renewal. Addressing Valentina, they express devotion despite being broken, highlighting a deep, spiritual connection and the haunting impact of lost love. It’s like trying to hug a ghost, beautifully haunting and profoundly introspective. Talking To Shadows have managed to capture the delicate dance between despair and hope, all delicately performed in Van Glide’s effervescent soprano.

Watch the video for “Valentina” below:

Listen to Valentina below or order here,

Following the success of their sophomore release, Lost, Talking To Shadows has been hard at work in the studio with indie rock heavyweight J Robbins. Over the past year, they’ve been hitting the stage across the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Midwest regions, making notable appearances at Dark Castle Fest in Louisville and the New Colossus Fest in NYC. It’s been a whirlwind of guitars, amps, and the occasional late-night diner stop.

This summer, you can catch them live in Philly, DC, Baltimore, and NYC. Here are the dates for their next upcoming shows:

Follow Talking To Shadows:

Alice Teeple

Alice Teeple is a photographer, multidisciplinary artist, and writer. She is not in Tin Machine.

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